
big Behyek factory

Behyek food products factory was built and started operating in 1994, 60 km north of Shiraz and in the middle of the most fertile plains of Fars, with the aim of producing tomato paste and related products, with the support of hard work and dedication, and belief in a unique entity.

List of Behyek factory products

1 kg paste

15 kg of pickled cucumbers

1.5 kg paste

2.75 kg paste

2.4 kg paste

Excellent pickled cucumber

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Learn about Behyek!

Looking to the future, the initial steps were taken by studying and considering the production of a product worthy of the name of Iran and Fars. Paying close attention to very high quality, complying with all hygiene principles and using experienced personnel, made the factory need to use modern and mechanized machines. Therefore, the factory decided to buy the best available to produce the target products. and implement production development plans.

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